This organization shall be known and styled as the SOUTHEASTERN DOCK AND MARINE COUNCIL, ILA comprising ports from within the area from Morehead City, North Carolina, southward along the Atlantic Coast to the southern most tip of Florida, and from Tampa, Florida southward along the Gulf Coast to the southern most tip of Florida.
The object of this organization shall be: To derive what power can be gained from organization, co-operation, centralization, and combination, and to wield that power for the mutual aid and interest of all the organizations embraced in this body. Endeavoring at all times to secure for our membership fair wages, just returning to the employer honest work, due consideration and careful interest to the duties committed to carefully and faithfully protect the interest of employers, not forgetting that we are each and all a part of the public, and as such, owe an obligation in common to give fair consideration to the just rights of all interests concerned.
Article 1
Any local affiliated with the INTERNATIONAL LONGSHOREMEN’S ASSOCIATION comprising the ports from within the area stated above under NAME shall be eligible for membership in this Council.
Article 2
Representation in the Council shall be on the following basis: each local union shall be entitled to at least one delegate regardless of the size of their membership and shall be entitled to vote as stated in the District and International Constitutions.
Article 3
Section 1. This organization shall meet in regular session at least once in each quarter, for a minimum of four (4) times in a calendar year.
Section 2. The President may, at his discretion, call a special meeting. The notice of the special meeting shall be in writing and shall state the object or purpose of the meeting. No business other than that specifically set out in the notice shall be considered at the meeting. However, this rule may be suspended in such Special Meeting, but only to transact other emergency matters.
Section 3. Seven (7) members, in addition to any officers present at any meeting, shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
Section 4. It shall be the duty of the President, or other person presiding over the meeting, to see that order and decorum is maintained and the minutes will reflect such action and the reason therefore.
Article 4
Section 1. Officers of this organization shall be elected every three (3) years by a majority vote, by secret ballot, of the delegates from the affiliated local unions, (who have, themselves, been elected by secret ballot.) Each affiliated local union shall be entitled to one vote, regardless of the number of delegates from each localwho are delegates to this organization.
Section 2. Nominations for office will be at a regular or a special meeting of the organization and the election will be conducted at the next regular meeting following the nomination meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer must notify each affiliated local at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the nomination meeting, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall notify each affiliated local union of the persons who have been nominated, and of the date, time and place of the election meeting fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting.
Section 3. Newly elected officers shall be installed and assume office at the meeting following their election.
Article 5
The elected officers of this Council shall serve in the capacity as organization committee and work for the building up of the locals that are on insecure footing, and aid in the establishment of new locals and shall report at each regular meeting of the Council.
Article 6
Appointed officials shall be a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Chaplain, and two (2) Auditing Committee members. The President of the Council shall appoint them and their term of office shall be the same as the elected officers of the council.
Article 7
This Constitution shall not be altered or amended except at a regular meeting of this council, and then only by a two-thirds vote of all delegates present. Amendments must be offered in writing and must be read at two regular meetings before action can be taken.
Article 8
Section 1. The negotiating committee for the South Atlantic shall be composed of representatives from the five major ports, consisting of Tampa, Florida –Jacksonville, Florida –Savannah, Georgia –Charleston, South Carolina and Wilmington, North Carolina. In case of a vacancy the port where the vacancy occurs shall fill the vacancy. Each craft from within the five major ports shall select the Chairman for their five-man committee.
Section 2. The negotiation committee for the South Florida agreement shall be comprised of the representatives of the South Florida area as selected by them. In the case of a vacancy, the South Florida representatives shall determine who will fill the vacancy.
Section 3. On all contract proposals, each local union will have a representative at some central location for the purpose of drawing up a proposal.
- .Call meeting to order.
- Invocation.
- Opening ceremonies.
- Guests and speakers.
- Sergeant-at-Arms takes charge at door
- Roll call of officers and absentees noted.
- Roll call of delegates by local unions.
- Reading of credentials and action thereon and obligation of delegates
- Reading of minutes of previous meeting
- Detail report of receipts and disbursements by Secretary-Treasurer
- Reading of communications and bills
- Report of officers
- Report of standing and or special committees
- Unfinished business.
- New business.
- Nomination and election of officers
- Good and welfare of the organization.
- Selection of date and site for the next Council meeting
- Adjournment.